Friday, May 20, 2011

Symmetry is Overrated

Our toilet tank is broken...again. My husband has tried everything he knows to fix it and we've resolved to flushing with a bucket of water. It's easy. It works. Whatever.

So I'm filling the bucket up and I happened to look in the mirror and noticed it.
Wow. I'm totally not ever wearing this t-shirt again in front of people. I guess it's just par for my asymmetrical course. I mean, I have one eye bigger than the other, one ear lower than the other and one foot with a big ghastly birthmark while the other looks normal. You know, as normal as boxy feet shaped like Daisy Duck's can look. But I'm seriously considering entering a room with my left shoulder cocked forward so that it's not so noticeable that my right boob is more than half a cup size bigger than the left one.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Can I BE Any Busier?

So, here it is 2:56 a.m. and two of my kids have final exams tomorrow. (The other three will be busy fighting and beating the crap out of one another until I get back from the school with the first two.) And am I going to sleep? No. I'm watching Entertainment Tonight and attempting to catch up on my blog.

I guess that I could touch upon the  political and social events going on here...but I'm not ready to do that just yet. I'm still studying up these rotten kids for finals. Didn't you see the first paragraph?! I will get on it soon...right after the exams are over.

My husband is back from working overseas for the last year. Yay! Of course, this only means we now have plumbing problems to deal with. No, no, no! I don't mean that in the "Al Bundy" sort of way. What I mean is that there is a sort of Twilight Zone connection with plumbing and days that my husband travels by air. It doesn't matter if he's arriving or departing. Some pipe will burst, a toilet will overflow or a faucet valve will leak or snap off. It's like a family tradition now. I think we've even jinxed my neighbor as this time not only did 2 of our faucets break and the toilet tank, but her water pump started gushing water at the water main downstairs. My fear is she'll read this blog and then walk over with an open hand for me to pay for the repairs. I'm hoping that we'll be able to get all our plumbing issues straightened out so that we can shower, flush the toilet without filling a bucket first, and/or adjust the water pressure on our water pump without blasting the skin off our hands when we wash them, (not to mention the effects of a high pressure bidet! ZOIKS!)  I sure am glad that he's home...and that he's a pretty good plumber.